VivaOla is the stories of lived lives in Tokyo city.
Singing with the same coldness and vulnerability, his music invites but leaves everything at the door.
Matching his inimitable tenor voice with modern R&B sensibilities, VivaOla's music stands alone among his contemporaries. His music reflects a deep knowledge of music and a multi-cultural identity.
With hits featuring Jimmy Brown, starRo, and Thomas Ng, VivaOla's songs are critically-acclaimed. He has gained international recognition with performances at SXSW and Music Matters, and was selected in Rolling Stone's Future of Music list.
VivaOla's recent album, "APORIE VIVANT", is a meditation on contradictions, struggles and regrets. The album heavily draws from Trap Soul influences, paired with tonally expansive vocals to paint a tableau of one such life in Tokyo.
2020年にリリースしたミニアルバム『STRANDED』は、J-WAVE TOKYO HOT100にてトップ10入りを果たす。
翌年にstarRo,YonYon,ZINなどと共作しリリースした1stフルアルバム『Juliet is the moon』は、Spotifyでの再生回数700万を突破している。
2024年に2ndフルアルバム『APORIE VIVANT』をリリース。
同年Rolling Stoneの「Future of Music」日本代表25組への選出もされ、アジアを代表するアーティストとして注目され始めている。